Jujutsushi 60

Chapter 60: Butterfly

Hot damn, look what time it is! It’s time to get another totally awesome power from my patron god. That thought came when I realized I was once again in that same old black dimension.

"I shall grant you a new Protection"

“Yes, thank you very much, Ruinhilde-sama!”

So if you can, please spare me the pain! Thinking this was also a same old repetition.

"Chaos. It is not a thing that merely exists as phenomena"

Ah, he’s started another one of those incomprehensible God lectures again. To be perfectly honest, even if he goes all deep and profound on me when he’s giving me a new Protection, all I care about is if it’s gonna hurt or not, so none of the talk is actually entering my head, you know?

But well, I’ll try hearing him out as best as I can. I hope he’s OK with that.

"Put two people together, and they’re either friends and foes. With three, one vies to take a position of neutrality, or even opportune for the winning side. The situation complicates as you add more. In other words, chaos ensues"

Ruinhilde-sama grandly spread out his arms, as he spoke deeply on the nature of chaos. And out of nowhere, brilliant lights burst forth. From every conceivable direction, the lights danced like a storm of cherry blossoms.

Red, blue, yellow, green. These lights flickered in a myriad of colors— no, not quite. They were butterflies. With black-lined wings like those of the black swallowtail, these critters flapped about each with their own color. Hundreds, thousands of these glittering butterflies were dancing and, I see, this really is an illusory scene worthy of being called a miracle of God.

"Mine devotee, Momokawa Kotarou. As you are still of mortal flesh, take time in dipping deep into chaos. Lose yourself, be immersed, and set yourself adrift, if not... Hmm, at any rate, you did well"

“I, I see… wai-, Buwah!?”

As I wondered if what this god was saying is that I’m very praiseworthy, the gathered butterflies in the darkness rushed towards me all at once. A-Are you stupid, do I look like a flower with delicious nectars inside! I didn’t think so!

“Uh, Uuh, FuwaaaAAAAAAAAA—”

Swallowed into the storm of butterflies, I Log Out from the God Area.

Contra-beat Butterfly: Using medicines, create a butterfly that releases the opposite effect with it’s scales.

With this new curse in hand, the Worst Harem Party, with me inaugurated as its sub-leader, entered once again into the dungeon.

It need not be said that the atmosphere surrounding us was really bad. None of us showed it on our faces, but none could deny that the air was dangerously close to its boiling point.

Nevertheless, our progress itself was going alright. It’s because Class Rep, who I myself believed to be a good leader, took her position seriously, so we were able to fight as a team somewhat OK. There were a few places where her decisions felt a bit off, but they weren’t anything big, so I generally went with it.

If we could survive thanks to her orders, then I had no qualms. The only time I did speak up would be when we encountered enemies that were actually life-threatening.

Right, for example, like that powerful Mantis from before— The Note Circle has since updated to let us know that it’s known as a Knight Mantis— and like that time when 2 of those appeared at once.

“Class Rep, let’s get Mei-chan up front”

“But then, the rearguard—”

“Give me some ice walls after my bog sets in. There’s two of those Mantes this time, so if we don’t go full power here, we might regret it”

“Kotarou-kun, everything alright?”

“It’s fine, the last junction was a few hundred meters back. Even if we get Ants from behind, we can buy time with the bog and ice. If you guys can take out even one of those Mantes in that time, we’ll win easy.”

“Got it, then, I’ll be right back!”

Leaving behind a bright smile, Mei-chan became a gale as she rushed off to battle up ahead.

As of currently, our usual formation had Kenzaki + Natsukawa in vanguard, Class Rep and Souma Sakura in the middle, with me, Takanashi, and finally, Mei-chan protecting the rear. To speak of what’s different from before, we’ve got a solid mid-guard with our mage combo, Class Rep + Souma Sakura, so it’s a step in the right direction I’d say. Also, we’ve had Mei-chan stationed with us, so the defense back here has improved too.

All of these changes were things I suggested before heading out. Class Rep asked a few questions about my rationale, but otherwise accepted right away after I answered.

It was a tough decision taking Mei-chan away from the front, but in the dungeon, there’s always the danger of a pincer attack. At any rate, it was necessary to put more strength into our rearguard. Plus, taking into account the current circumstances between Mei-chan and Kenzaki... Anyway, Kenzaki’ll fight better if we put her only with Natsukawa-san. This also takes into account that we need to put her Dualwielder skills to full use.

“Rotten Bog— and done. Alright Class Rep, Kenzaki-san and Natsukawa-san will take on one of the Mantes, you and Souma-san provide spell support with all you got. Me and Mei-chan will stop the other one”

“Can you two handle it?”

“We can slow it down. In that time, you guys have to beat yours quick!”

“... You don’t, need to tell us”


Souma Sakura behaved outwardly annoyed, but anyway, Natsukawa-san gave out an earnest reply. Kenzaki-san didn’t say anything, but she probably understands the plan.

“That’s how it is, so Kenzaki-san, don’t be late okay?”

“O-of course... Just, leave it to me...”

Facing the Mantes, Mei-chan who was shoehorned into the vanguard, spoke to Kenzaki with a smile. To which the latter replied with a shakey voice. Yup, we definitely can’t put her and Mei-chan together any time soon.

Aside from that, considering everyone’s feelings on the matter, it’d be much better to split the work between me and Mei-chan, and the Souma team.

“— Guys, they’re here!!”

Natsukawa-san who possessed the Thief’s enhanced hearing, clearly deciphered the position of the Mantes by the beat of their wings echoing inside the cave and announced that their arrival was upon us. It’s because we had her excellent perception that I could hand out orders and even had spare time to explain the strategy.

Now, all that’s left was the fight itself. With our current collective strength, we should be able to take on 2 Mantes at the same time. It’s a good chance, I’ll test our my new curse magic here too.

Lux Sagitta

Eis Sagitta

As expected, the two Mantes came flying from beyond the curve ahead, and our mid-field mages got the first attack in. And no, they weren’t so stupid as to try and aim at both, and properly targeted only one, the one on the right, let’s name this one Mantis A. Arrows of light and ice blitzed towards it.

But this enemy wasn’t half-baked. Sharply swinging it’s 2 scythes, Mantis A deflected their preemptive attack.

Seeing which of them the mages chose, Kenzaki-san and Natsukawa-san now knew their mark. Leaving A to those 4, me and Mei-chan started on containing Mantis B.

Red Fever, Blackhair Bind!!”

I set Red Fever on A and B, just because, and extended my good old tentacles towards B.

“— SHAA!”

With a piercing cry, the braided tentacles, that were aimed for its 4 legs, were quickly scythed off. That being said, when you’re on Mei-chan’s level, even something like that worked as good support.


With a spirited yell, she swung down her Roaring Steel Halberd. Mantis B instantly drew back its scythes and received the large ax-blade.

And stopped it. But, though slightly, the Mantis was indeed pushed back.

“Woah, Mei-chan’s incredible...”

She bested a monster in pure strength. That Mei-chan, it’s like she was getting EXP every time she defeated an enemy and was levelling up when before I know it.

Though I’m jelly of her Status values that seemed to be rising so well, I’ll get back to what I need to be doing. I mean, I’m just a Shaman. The best I can do is maybe harass the enemy when we’re in a fight.

“Soar, oh wings of misfortune, rooted in this—”

Reciting the aria engraved in my head, I take out my, practically useless since I never actually use it, antidote med. The usual ointment A is made of white blossoms(white flower), with small amounts of shamdelion(false dandelion), and fairy walnut leaf. This antidote here is made with the blueflower as a base, adding similar portions of shamdelion and walnut leaves.

Who knows what kind of poisons this thing will work on. I can’t really tell since Intuition Pharmacy only gave me a rough explanation. But whatever it is, it’s definitely an antidote of some kind, no doubt.

Implying that, this, using medicines, create a butterfly that releases the opposite effect with it’s scales, effect of my new curse will allow me to take this and manifest a butterfly carrying the poison it’s supposed to cure.

“—Contra-beat Butterfly”

In the next moment, the pasty antidote reformed into swallowtail butterflies with a blue luminescence. They each gently fluttered up from the palm of my hand. I wonder if their number depends on the amount of meds used. The blue, poisonous butterflies rose from my hand until there were 10, which is when all the antidote had been expended.

“Nice, now go!”

I try commanding them like I do Rem, and the poison butterflies start heading for the target just how I picture them to. Granted, they’re going at a butterfly’s pace, so it’s quite honestly not fast. But having the ability to move freely in the air, they should be able to collide into the goal.

This goal that is Mantis B was presently in fierce combat with Mei-chan. With it’s big, compound eyes, there’s no way it’d miss my blue glowies. But as if implying it sensed absolutely no harm from them, the Mantis showed no signs of trying to avoid or drive away my butterflies.

Making sure not to accidentally hit Mei-chan, I go around from behind and— Bullseye.

Upon landing on the Mantis’ back, the butterflies, as if remembering that they were beings of curse mana, dispersed into blue phosphorescence. These blue-white glowy things must be their poisonous scales.

“Tch, it’s not instant effect”

All shots were on target. However, Mantis B showed no changes at all.

“That was useless, using blackhair would have been—”

“Not at all. Look, this Mantis is getting weaker!”

Yah! She yelled, swinging down her halberd once more. She beat back the Mantis even more than she had in her first attack.

“And it’s reactions, are also— dull!!”

And another one. The upswing from her weapon cut off Mantis’ right hand scythe from the base and sent it flying.

The bug was a good match for Mei-chan using both its scythes in unison. Take away even one of those, and the fight was practically over.

“So believe me when I say, your poison really worked. Thank you Kotaoru-kun, it was a great help”

Following the same swing that cut off its arm, she sliced off its left frontal leg. Its posture now broken, what remained was for it to be chopped up like a cucumber, its pieces finally sinking into a pool of its own green blood. With that as a background, Mei-chan gave me a delighted grin as she praised the efficacy of my poison butterflies.

Honestly, I seriously don’t feel like being praised at all. Any way you look at it, what I did only slightly weakened the creature. Mei-chan’s the awesome one for turning it into absolute mincemeat.

Wait, is the Souma team still fighting over there...

“Fuuh, we beat it somehow”

30 seconds after Mei-chan was done, Mantis A, after being pin-cushioned by light and ice arrows, and hacked into by the dual weapon users, fell defeated.

Seeing how their side was one upped by Mei-chan, Kenzaki-san was making glances at her with eyes that looked afraid.

With my meds and Souma Sakura’s healing magic, her absolutely devestated face was already fixed. When she later opened her eyes, Class Rep took the lead and explained everything. Now, It was like her headstrongness was all a lie, and she listened without a single complaint.

But seeing her like that, no one, not even Mei-chan, said anything. Or rather, they wouldn’t pry in.

I think everyone’s already fully aware. That Kenzaki Asuna’s heart, that proud girl’s heart, was torn down by the overwhelming violence of the Berserker.

And now, Kenzaki-san was listening to not only Mei-chan, but even my own orders. This would’ve been unthinkable for the old her. Should I call it progress, or maybe regression... Whatever it is, it’s convenient for me.

And so, Souma Sakura was the only person left in the list of people trying to get in my hair.

I should just get Mei-chan to beat her up too, make life easier... Is the kind of evil thought popping into my head, but I’m not stupid enough not to consider the consequences. Otherwise, soon, when we meet back up with Souma Yuuto, it’ll be all over. If I act that straightforwardly evil, I won’t live long.


  1. Gotta love this story (and the oh so intimate relation between Ruinhilde and MC). Pretty sure MC and Ruinhilde have the closest relation (among the various classmates with their various Jobs that only interacted when the Jobs first awakened) considering MC appears before him every time he is bestowed a power up. Guess Shaman is just that type of Job that requires an intimate relation with the patron deity (in this case, Ruinhilde). Another thing: Ruinhilde said MC was "currently" of mortal flesh, so to take his time with acclimating himself to his power (I imagine the consequences of "jumping into chaos" have a high chance of being bad, with a low chance of working out for the better). This implies to me that Shaman is a Job with future potential of immortality, or at least eternal life: whether it is in the form of no aging, immune to sickness, fatigue, or all of it is unknown; though I imagine that becoming a living skeleton like Ruinhilde is probable, or at least manifesting effects from the Black Bloodline MC has will gradually change his body and make it more durable if it isn't as drastic as a skeleton/corpse.
    That said, I tried to go to Lion Mask and their old translations (it has been a while since I checked), but the whole site is dead. I am just fine with you picking up the story where they left off (and even encourage it regardless if it is backwards from latest translation, or forwards from earliest), but beyond that, will you post the old chapters and info? Or will you do a re translation? Just curious and would like to know.

    1. Well it's either that or no one mentions that stuff. I don't recall Momokawa actually talking with anyone about what happens in his little ceremonies. Maybe everyone has this sort of experience but only Momo's is elaborated by virtue of him being MC. That said, there could also be a subconscious inhibition given to everyone that they can't speak of interactions of their god. They can think about them like normal but don't want to speak of it. Anyway, just my speculation. Momokawa in the future [spoiler]still has a lot of growing to do and is still quite the opposite of immortal. What he has are plot armor and immunity to all poisons as a passive skill.[/spoiler]
      https://lionmask.blogspot.com/p/shaman-toc.html I'll put this link here too I guess.

    2. Thanks. The whole immortal thing is just a theory/prediction for the far, far future (like he has arrived at the pinnacle of Shaman, or close to it, and maybe even transcended beyond). It isn't something I expect to happen during the dungeon, or even immediately after it. It would be a while away to say the least.
      Though I am curious about what the standard for the intelligent races of this world are (not expecting a response, but just curious and wanted to state it) in terms of power and society and such? I imagine that they are religious (why wouldn't they be when deities are a confirmed existence to them; though I bet some are more accepted than others like that cannibal pig one is probably not popular and Ruinhilde is probably a grey zone if not closer to less popular), have a lower tech level than Earth (anywhere from middle ages to well before the industrial revolution), and either all have Jobs or only a select few do. In any case, even if they were to activate the Gate in the dungeon (that has a 3 limit and supposedly sends them to a preset location in a town/city with people), it could end up being a more dangerous situation than the dungeon. After all, the people of this world would probably prefer the "Hero" and his party than a "shady" (from their perspective) Shaman, Berserker, and what have you. This world isn't kind enough to give free stuff without expectations of services in return.
      For example, the reason the class was summoned/brought over here could very well be due to the inhabitants doing some kind of summoning and something going wrong which is why class ended up near the dungeon (or the dungeon was the plan to utilize the winners who would possibly be more compliant after going through the hellish dungeon and being faced with whatever luxuries and services they can provide behind smiling masks). Bit of a ramble mixed with theories and expectations for the future after the dungeon. But should be interesting regardless.

    3. If you're interested in the lore of the world this is set in, I'd suggest reading Kuro no Maou (https://www.novelupdates.com/series/kuro-no-maou/). It's written by the same author and is actually his main work, this novel is kinda like something happening on the side. That being said, there's a lot of significant differences in terms of characters and plot compared to this, so you might not enjoy it as much (I like this novel a lot more).

      I can save you some time and tell you that, in terms of religion, there's basically "The White God" and "The Black Gods" (notice the plural) and The White God's not what I would call good and has an antagonistic relationship with The Black Gods, who are a bit of a mixed bag.

      I strongly suspect The White God the patron of the Soumas and possibly also everyone else who doesn't have a profession like Shaman, Berserker, or Cannibal. I also strongly suspect that this "Kingdom" is full of White God zealots, so if Momo does make it to the end of the labyrinth, I can't see them being too happy about it.

      I should also mention that, in this world, undead and stuff like lizardmen and goblins basically come in two varieties, the murder-crazy feral kind (i.e. monsters) and the sentient kind that are just normal folks that, for example, happen to be a skeleton (one notable character in Kuro No Maou is a skeleton black mage adventurer). I'd say it's entirely possible for Momo to end up changing into a skeleton or something, but even those are pretty killable.

      As for this being a "summoning gone wrong", I can only say that summoning a bunch of high schoolers into a murder-pit for fun and profit fits the White God zealots' modus operandi to a T, much more likely a "summoning gone flawlessly".

    4. Thanks. Excellent response

  2. Thanks for the chapter!
    Finally Momokawa return! I would have the same evil though if I was him too hahah.

  3. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Going by the previous chapters, I think they'll meet the cannibal soon.

  4. That skill will be great if he can reverse the effect of Red shrooms and use it as an are healing skill. They do have a healer but considering if they faced a monster that needed a lot of firepower to bring it down, their healer will need to pinch in some damage in which MC's butterfly skill will come in handy.

    Also what happened to Mandragora? I also wanna know the skills Mei currently has. It's pretty vague since they were saying she has blessed body, repel and such which supposedly the skills of a Knight. I mean didn't it changed to berserker? Is she attaining new skills to both knight and berserker? I'm really curious about this.

    1. She still has her Knight skills, but she now also has Berserker skills, so the vocation change came at a good time.


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Chapter Listing

Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Kuro no Maou

Do You Think You Can Run After Reincarnating, Nii-san?